Plumbing and new pipework for new kitchen?

Whether you have a totally blank canvas or it’s too replace what you already have, we can do whatever preparation is necessary for the arrival and installation of a new kitchen and appliances, such as sink, dishwasher, washing machine and gas oven.

Copper and plastic pipework carefully will be put in place with precise measurements to fit your. Putting in pipework can be tricky if there isn’t a full plan in place of where and how things are going to work once everything is in it’s rightful space, channels have to be neatfully created in the wall brickwork and pipes pinned ready for the new appliances.

In need of a new Bathroom?

We regularly install and fit new pipework for bathroom renovations. If you are in need of a new bathroom or ensuite or simply to just install some new copper pipework for a new shower, bath sink and toilet placement then we do it all. The heating pipes under the flooring may also need to be renewed for a better, cleaner and more modern finish.

Why Underfloor Heating?

Underfloor heating (UFH) is becoming the most efficient way to heat your home.

Most applicable for new builds or large extensions. It can work on a low water temperature and achieve unrivaled heat in comparison to radiators. It also eliminates cool spots in rooms or large areas and frees up wall space where radiators would be installed.

Designed and installed correctly underfloor heating in our opinion is the gold standard in central heating design and performance for the 21st century. For more information, general advice or if your are actually wanting an installation of some underfloor heating, please don’t hesitate to contact us.