Gas Safety Checks

You should get regular gas safety checks to ensure that appliances in properties are safe and work correctly.

At Braun Services, we provide reliable checks for clients. Homeowners don’t have an obligation to get a check, but we recommend it for peace of mind and to reduce the risk of serious issues. Landlords, businesses such as hotels, B&Bs and hostels, and local bodies and authorities by law have to get annual checks.

Every gas safety check will include:

  • Inspections of gas appliances to ensure they burn correctly and also have a suitable operating pressure
  • Ensuring all harmful gases are being removed from the appliance and releasing to the air outside the property
  • Confirming that ventilation routes are adequate and also clear of obstructions
  • Checks to confirm that all safety devices work as they should

The checks for each individual appliance will include:

  • Completing specific actions in compliance with the manufacturer’s guidelines such as:
      • Removing parts and then cleaning them
      • Replacing serviceable parts like gaskets and seals
      • Checks/cleaning of the heat exchanger and the flues
  • An assessment of the general condition of the appliance
  • Inspecting the air vents and flues to ensure there has been no deterioration
  • Combustion performance tests if necessary to ensure safe and efficient operation
  • Undertaking remedial work (after confirming any extra costs with you)
  • Alerts if a check uncovers any issues

Get a reliable service

Whether you choose gas safety checks for your own home or to ensure you protect tenants or occupants, always select professionals to do them. Braun Services can help, inspecting gas systems and appliances in buildings all over Teesside. We have more than 20 years of experience and a great reputation.

So, contact us to learn more, get a quote, and book a service. We have fair prices and take care to do comprehensive inspections.